Tuesday 7 June 2011


Read Acts 4:1-37

Acts 4:20 ‘For it is not possible for us to keep from saying what we have seen and have knowledge of.’

Our testimonies won’t send us to jail like Peter and John.  There is however certain risks attached to leading others to Christ.  We might even be willing to spend one day in jail if it would mean that we would be able to lead 2000 men to Jesus.  Would it not then be right to be as willing to do this if we could lead just 1 person to Him?  What risks do you run when you testify?  Prosecution; rejection or exposure? We are sometimes afraid to speak about our faith in God, because we’re scared to embarrass others or even make them upset.
Peter and John’s passion for Christ was so strong that they could not keep quiet – not even when they were in danger.  When you’re courage to testify for God starts getting less, pray to Him to make you fearless.
Remember that nothing that you do for God will ever be in vain – even if the risks are high.  Always think of Jesus’ promise in Matt 10: 32 ‘To everyone, then, who gives witness to me before men, I will give witness before my Father in heaven.’

Matt 10:32 ‘ Valaki azért vallást tesz én rólam az emberek elõtt, én is vallást teszek arról az én mennyei Atyám elõtt;’

God Bless!

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