Sunday 10 April 2011


Read: 1 Cor 12:1 – 27
18.  But at this very time God has arranged the parts, every one of them, in the body just as he wanted to. (ISV)

18.  Mas agora Deus colocou os membros no corpo, cada um deles como quis. (PJFA)

18.  Most pedig az Isten elhelyezte a tagokat a testben egyenként mindeniket, a mint akarta. (HKB)

I’m a Sunday School Teacher at our Church.  This is the most rewarding experience!  Each and every child holds a very special place in my heart. 

We’re on a journey with Paul, en route from Jerusalem to Rome, spreading the Good News of Jesus.   We’re experiencing the persecution he and his support team encountered daily, but most of all the absolute determination they had to ensure that everybody had the opportunity to hear that Jesus is ALIVE!

Today’s lesson touched on a subject which I felt I needed to share with more people than just my Sunday school class.   It’s a lesson for young and old, and one we should carry with us daily.

When you read the book of Corinthians, you will notice that Paul didn’t attempt the journey to tell the Good News about Jesus, alone, he had a support team.  The team consisted of people from different age groups; male and female; different nationalities and cultures.  Each person had his or her own unique personality and abilities, special in their own way.

Paul admitted that he couldn’t tell what people were like from their appearances, but every one of his support team had been essential to the work that he’d been doing. 

Do you ever wish that you were like someone else?  What God wants is for each of us to be a part of ‘His Body’ – that is the team of people who follow Jesus.  Each one of us is special, and has different abilities, which will develop when we use them together.  We are all able to help other people, but we can only really do this in a way which will please Him, if we are on His team. 

Become a team member today, and be the best you’re meant to be!

God Bless!!

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