Thursday, 31 March 2011


MATT 6:12

(MKJ)  ‘and forgive us our debts as we also forgive our debtors.

(HKB)  És bocsásd meg a mi vétkeinket, miképen mi is megbocsátunk azoknak, a kik ellenünk vétkeztek;

(PJFA)  e perdoa-nos as nossas dívidas, assim como nós também temos perdoado aos nossos devedores;

(DSV)  En vergeef ons onze schulden, gelijk ook wij vergeven onzen schuldenaren.

The Christian idea of guilt involves three elements:  responsibility; blameworthiness and the obligation to make good through punishment or compensation.  In other words, in thinking of guilt we ask the questions of cause, motive and consequence, the central idea being that of the personal blameworthiness of the sinner.

I’ve done many things in my life which I regret, some causing lots of pain, and not just for me.   I’m not able to explain the reasons for my actions, but would do anything to turn back the clock and undo my mistakes.  The problem is turning back time is impossible.

Guilt became the silent killer.  It didn’t matter that I asked for forgiveness and apologised to everyone I had hurt, I couldn’t forgive myself.  My mind wouldn’t rest and the little voice inside my head kept on telling me what a bad person I was.  It was impossible for me to believe that Jesus could forgive someone like me!

The reality is, if you’re not able to make peace with yourself, nobody else will.  If you’re not able to forgive yourself, how can you expect God to forgive you? 

What does God require of you?  Your part is to believe and trust the Lord.  When you ask for His forgiveness with true repentance, He WILL forgive you.  So let go and let God!

God Bless!!!

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