Wednesday, 30 March 2011


EPHESIANS 6: 9 -13

(ISV) 9. Masters, treat your slaves the same way. Do not threaten them, for you know that both of you have the same Master in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.
10.  Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty strength.
11.  Put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the devil's strategies.
12.  For our struggle is not against a human opponent, but against rulers, against authorities, against cosmic powers in the darkness around us, against evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realm.
13.  For this reason, take up the whole armor of God so that you may be able to take a stand in that evil day. And when you have done everything you could, you will be able to stand firm.

(HKB)9.  Ti is urak, ugyanazt cselekedjétek õ velök, elhegyván a fenyegetést; tudván, hogy a ti Uratok is mennyben van, és személyválogatás nincsen Õ nála.
10. Vegezetre, atyámfiai, legyetek erõsek az Úrban, és az õ hatalmas erejében.
11.  Öltözzétek föl az Isten minden fegyverét, hogy megállhassatok az ördögnek minden ravaszságával szemben.
12. Mert nem vér és test ellen van nékünk tusakodásunk, hanem a fejedelemségek ellen, a hatalmasságok ellen, ez élet sötétségének világbírói ellen, a gonoszság lelkei ellen, melyek a magasságban vannak.
13.  Annakokáért vegyétek föl az Istennek minden fegyverét, hogy ellentállhassatok ama gonosz napon, és mindeneket elvégezvén megállhassatok.

(Chinese Union Version – Standard)
11.   要穿戴神所赐的全副军装,就能抵挡魔鬼的诡计。

Victimisation... according to Wikipedia to victimise is to:

1.       Make someone a victim or sacrifice
2.      Punish someone unjustly
3.      Swindle or defraud someone

I’ve been that victim or sacrifice.  I’ve been punished unjustly. 

I’m sure that at some stage or another, each and everyone experienced some sort of victimisation, at home, work, school or the community, worse, you might have been the one victimising your colleagues, fellow learners or community members.  The fact is, it hurts! Alot!

As an adult, with a very strong personality, I always deemed myself immune against any personal attacks which could potentially be emotionally demoralising.  You could say I was the ‘thick skin’ type – ‘say what you want, it won’t hurt me!’  But this all changed when my spirit became the target.

The attacks started quietly.  A little remark here, an ‘insignificant’ comment there, nobody noticed, neither did I.  I’m not able to say how long this was going on, but I realised the severity of the matter when the comments became accusations and later turned into threats.  I felt broken and bruised, exposed and lonely.

Going for counselling, I learned that I should rejoice:

Psalm 9:2 ‘I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.
Psalm 9:5 ‘You have rebuked the heathen, You have destroyed the wicked, You have put out their name forever and ever.’

For some to rejoice in my situation would not make sense, and initially I was confused as well.  I then realised that I was under attack from the devil himself.  You see, already back then, the Lord had known that I would work for Him today.  He had prepared me for His ministry long ago.  The problem is, the devil knew as well, and he would not let go without a fight.

My husband told me this story:

There were two friends, John, a believer and Peter, a non-believer.  Peter asked John, ‘Why is it that you say you are Jesus’ child, but you are constantly experiencing heartache and problems?  Look at me, I’m a non-believer and life could not be better.  I’ve got everything I want and lots of money to get more, should I want’. John thought about this for a while, and said to Peter he didn’t know the answer, but that he would think about it and tell him later.

Some time passed, and the two friends went duck hunting.  Walking, they noticed a whole lot of ducks and Peter immediately aimed, shot and killed a few.  John said he would run to pick them up, when Peter said, ‘No, leave them; we’ll collect them later, let’s focus on the ones that got away.’ 

John looked at Peter and said to him, ‘I can answer your question now’. ‘What question? Peter said’.  John, ‘why my life is full of pebbles while being a Christian, and yours is smooth being a non-believer’.  Peter, ‘Yes’? John, ‘You see, it’s simple.  Just like you telling me to leave the dead ones and focus on the ducks that got away, the devil is doing the same. To him, you are already dead and he’ll collect you later.  Me..., I’m the duck that got away.’

Always wear God’s Armor and be that duck that got away!

God Bless!!!

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